theodore berger artificial hippocampus

theodore berger artificial hippocampus
Images for theodore berger artificial hippocampus.Apr 26, 2013. Theodore Berger, a biomedical engineer and neuroscientist at the .. could in fact serve as an artificial component of the hippocampus.
This challenge is broad, and covers topics ranging from creating artificial. The hippocampus's job is to take short-term memories and store them as long-term. rats by Dr. Theodore Berger of the University of South California and his team [2].
Jul 19, 2011. artificial hippocampus. The researchers, including Theodore Berger, have taught rats to press a lever and soon after another to receive a.
Brain Implants Could Help Alzheimer's and Others with Severe.
theodore berger artificial hippocampus
Restoring Memory, Repairing Damaged Brains With An Artificial.
Artificial Hippocampus, the Borg Hive Mind, and Other. - Brain Link.
World's first brain prosthesis revealed - 12 March 2003 - New Scientist.
Brain Implant Restores and Enhances Memory Formation - Medgadget.
Posts about Artificial Hippocampus written by mindcontroleurope.. on the efforts of professor Theodore W. Berger, director of the Center for Neural Engineering.
Artificial Hippocampus, the Borg Hive Mind, and Other Neurological.